From the splendour of the Emmanuel Cathedral in the centre of Durban, South Africa – to humble rural villages without running water, our Archdiocese is home to a diversity of culture, race and resources.
Covering an area of over 20 000 kilometres, the Archdiocese of Durban serves more than 240 000 Catholics, many of whom live in extreme poverty in remote rural areas.
Since apartheid was abolished in 1990, the new struggle is to overcome our Country’s history of discrimination and deprivation – and outreach programmes are offered to all people in need, regardless of their beliefs.
After the government, the Catholic Church is the largest provider of services to the poorest, especially in education, health-care and social services. Without the Church’s schools and clinics, South Africa’s education and health-care systems would likely crumble.
Along with providing spiritual guidance, Catholic priests and sisters living on the remote outstations strive to alleviate poverty and uplift the Zulu people – whether it’s by starting food gardens and sewing groups, teaching new skills, or creating co-operative workshops.
Despite limited resources, the Sisters also provide education, nursing and care facilities of an extremely high standard. Your support helps make their work possible. Please consider making a donation right now online if you can. Thank you.
If you are planning a visit to Durban, why not email zulumissions@iafrica.com or telephone +27 31 303 1417 to arrange a visit to one of the Missions?

Durban, on the east coast of South Africa, is the busiest port in Africa and famed for its golden beaches, washed by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean.
Our Archdiocese spreads inland from the coast to the foothills of the Drakensberg Mountains, where people still live as they did centuries ago … their days spent tending livestock, working the fields, and collecting firewood and water from the river.
Please click the map above for a larger diagram of our Archdiocese and its parishes.